The Finchley clinic

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Fungi are Difficult To Get Rid of

That could be a heading about a funny person that won’t leave the party but unfortunately it’s about a far more irritating fungi known as candida albicans.

Of all the various yeasts that are all part of the fungi family this particular one is the one that usually flares up and appears almost anywhere on and in our body.

There are number methods of starting candida treatment but first you must be sure that it really is candida you are suffering from and not some other problem. The way to do that of course is to see your health professional.

After having it confirmed you have various choices of ways to combat this irritating and often painful outbreak of unwanted yeast.

The first thing to accept is that it will eventually be cured but it does take time. There are various ointments and creams for where the outbreak is on the skin or in the vagina but you must remember that if it’s in the mouth or vagina it’s almost certainly a problem in other parts of the digestive system.

There are supplements like Threelac and Fivelac that repeat sufferers of candida report has a longer lasting effect. This may be because the more conventional medicines are attacking the candida but not the cause.

The cause will nearly always have something to do with a problem in the digestive system where candida yeasts live symbiotically with all the other bacteria that form an important part of our extraction of nutrients from food.

Both Threelac and Fivelac have a slight laxative effect and this is an essential part of the cleaning of the colon process. If you are constipated or have any partial blockage in the intestine it becomes very difficult to get rid of this breeding area for more candida.

Next time you have an outbreak on any part of your skin use the prescribed cream or ointment but also try giving one of these oral solutions that are aimed at where the source of the problem may lie.

Acidophilus is Not a Grummpy Phil

We call some people acid tongued but acidophilus is neither a Greek god nor an angry Philip but rather a type of bacteria of the lactobacillus group.

This is one of the many important bacteria that invade our bodies the second we are born particularly in great numbers if we are breast fed.

The definition of probiotic is a microorganism that protects the host and helps to prevent disease so when you read the words Biocare acidophilus you should know it is a supplement that contains large amounts of the lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria.


Bacteria is good for your gut but not necessarily all of them and a balance between those referred to as bad and good must be kept to help avoid digestive problems.

Supplements can provide the boost of helpful bacteria as well as provide the element of oxygen that is important to the survival of aerobic varieties of these superbugs.

In a previous blog we pointed out that there are four parts to the life cycle of all bacteria whether in our gut or on the top of Mount Everest. They are the most prolific living organisms on earth and sometimes greatly misunderstood.

Bio-science has identified the handful of important ones in our digestive system but we still don’t know with much accuracy how many types there are in our bodies.

Up to a thousand varieties is the latest guess and in total there are many trillions of them in each and every one of us.

A general description of all bacteria no matter where they live concludes that the main contributory factors to their speedy multiplication includes temperature, energy source, acidity along with the presence of elements and minerals such as oxygen, nitrogen and water.

That sounds like the gut is the perfect environment for happy bacteria and despite the fact that they go through the final two stages of life with the stationary phase where growth stops to the death stage where they’re washed away in our stools doesn’t mean we’re likely to run out of them.

For Biocare acidophilus

Probiotics: What’s the Deal?

There’s always a huge selection of probioticsupplements in the health aisles at the local supermarket. But, what’s all the fuss? Is it just hype, or is there some real science behind them. You walk down the yoghurt aisle, and every other one has probiotic content. You walk down the medicine aisle, and there’s more. Well, if you’re a little confused about the whole thing, don’t worry, because you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’re going to look at probiotics in greater depth. By the time you reach the end of this article, you should understand them much better.


From acidophilus capsules to specialist drinks, probiotics are everywhere. But, it’s not just in the supermarket. They are literally everywhere. Right now, you have billions, if not trillions, of probiotics living on your body right now. They live in your guts, on your skin, in your eyes, under your fingernails, everywhere, we are teeming.


Now, that might not sound very pleasant, but it’s actually a great thing. A wonderful thing, in fact. We need probiotics. They help us in so many different ways. They contribute to our overall good health, and they do this in a few key ways:


  1. They help us to absorb nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and energy from our food. They also help us to use less energy during this process, too.
  2. They help us to fight off nasty infections. Without them, we would turn into giant mushrooms, or something equally horrific.


In short, probiotics are our friends. This is why we also give them the name, ‘friendly bacteria’. We have a symbiotic relationship. They carry out all this work in our bodies, and we allow them to live their rent-free.


If we did not have probiotics living in our bodies, we would suffer so many problems, including:


  1. Fatigue and a lack of energy: we would be tired because our bodies would have to work harder to gain energy from food. We would be tired because our bodies are physically unable, on their own, to process some nutrients and minerals.
  2. We would have a compromised immune system. We would certainly suffer from every disease and virus that we encounter. We would have little to no immunity, especially against certain types of infection, such as yeast infections.
  3. We would have tummy ache. The flatulence would be unbelievable. You think it smells now. If probiotics were not there to consume some of the by-products from our food, such as sulphur, then our flatulence would be terrible; we probably wouldn’t even like our own brand!


So, where do we get these wonderful microorganisms?

Aside from collecting probiotics as we move through life, via our food and via health supplements, such as acidophilus capsules, we first collect them when we’re in the womb. In fact, scientists are now saying that a good collection of friendly bacteria in the womb can create a life-long protection against allergies and related illnesses.


Next, we collect them on the way out of the womb, in the birth canal. This is one of the most important places that we develop our body’ fauna. Here, we are setting the foundations for our body’s immune system. This is why, babies born via C-section, have to be given special probiotic supplements. If they aren’t, they will suffer from many different illnesses. In the past, until we made this discovery, this is exactly what happened.

If you would like to learn more about probiotics, then please visit

The Importance of Good Colonic Health

Ah, the colon needs more exposure in the general public (not literally, but figuratively). It is one of the most important organs in the human body, and yet, it is one that we talk about least. A healthy colon is vital to good health. It is responsible for feeding the body nutrients and minerals. Without it, we would die relatively quickly. When it isn’t in good health, we can develop all kinds of ailments and problems. Here, we are going to discuss the importance of maintaining good colonic health.

Generally, we maintain good colonic health by living a healthy lifestyle, with the occasional supplementation of a health product, such as Colosan. When in good health, we will have a stronger immune system, a clearer mind, and a general sense of wellbeing. When the colon is sluggish and inefficient, it can create a plethora of symptoms, including:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Bloating, gas, indigestion, diarrhoea, and constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Mood disorders
  • Fungal and bacterial infections
  • Acne
  • Greater susceptibility to airborne diseases and viruses
  • Joint and muscle pain

This isn’t even an exhaustive list, merely some of the commonest problems associated with poor colon function.


What are the Causes of Poor Colonic Health?

Many things can lead to poor colonic health, and some of these, you probably wouldn’t even consider. Here are some common causes of colonic ill health:

  1. Poor diet: this is obvious. If you provide your body with food that is hard to digest, low in nutrients and vitamins, and generally low quality, then of course it will affect the health of your colon.
  2. Lack of exercise: this is something that many people overlook. However, exercise is vital to colonic health. It keeps it oxygenated; it raises your metabolism, so prevents the colon from becoming sluggish; and it generally improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Drinking fizzy drinks: these are terrible for your health. It doesn’t even make much difference whether you buy the sugar free or full fat versions, both are bad. You can actually see this for yourself. Place an old 1p coin in a fizzy drink; leave it over night; and then check on it in the morning; the coin will be clean. It literally damages your insides, not to mention your teeth!
  4. Unfriendly bacteria or a lack of good bacteria: If you do not have a healthy gut fauna (i.e. a good selection of probiotics), your body will not work as well. You will not digest food as efficiently. This will lead to a lack of energy and an urge to over eat.

So, How Can You Help to Improve Colonic Health?

You can do several things to help yourself:

  1. Improve your diet: eat plenty of fruit, veg, and fibre.
  2. Exercise more: especially aerobic exercise.
  3. Take a supplement like colosan that will help to keep the colon clean
  4. Reduce your alcohol intake.
  5. Reduce stress.

If you implement all these changes, and you still suffer problems, then it’s time to visit the doctor.

If you would like further help and advice about the topic raised in this article, then please visit

Are Probiotics Real?

There’s many hype surrounding probiotics. Many people swear by them. However, as with most ‘alternative’ health remedies, many people doubt their validity. Well, you can rest assured that they do exist and that do help our bodies to perform at their best. Probiotics are not ‘alternative’ medicines, and are, in fact, used within the medical world. Below, we are going to explore this subject in more depth.

Let us first start out by telling you, that even if you don’t take probiotics, you already have them in your body. They live in your tummy, your genitals, your eyes and eyelashes, your mouth, your skin, and almost everywhere. Yeah, it’s a bit freaky when you stop and think about it. We have bugs living in and on our bodies. You don’t have to take a supplement, such as Threelac, to have probiotics…they are already here! (-to be read in a scary voice).

Probiotics, what are they?

In all seriousness, they are not scary or dangerous. They are our friends. They go by another name, ‘friendly bacteria’.

They are essential for many of our bodily processes. Without them, there are many things that we wouldn’t be able to do, and we would actually die. Here are a few of the things that they do to help us:

  1. The friendly bacterium in our tummies breaks down our food for us so that our bodies can absorb the nutrients and minerals. Without them, we’d just pass the food we ate straight through – well, it would be a bit mushy, because stomach acid helps too, but you can expect to see broccoli spouts and all sorts. It might be cool once or twice, but nope, we need to digestive food.
  2. The friendly bacteria in our tummies also consume some of the gases that come from other bacteria and from our foods, gases like sulphur, which makes our farts smell bad. Without them, they would be so much worse! That’s hard to imagine, but it’s true.
  3. The bacteria on our skin helps to fight off dangerous bacteria, such as those that cause yeast infections. Without them, we would be giant walking scabs. Not a nice thing to picture, but true nonetheless.
  4. It’s the same with our eyes. If they weren’t there, we would have so many more cases of problems, such as conjunctivitis.

We could literally talk all day about the wonderful things that they do for us. But, just this sample above, indicates how useful they are.

Where do we find our probiotics?

The collection of probiotics in the human body is referred to as ‘fauna’ by the medical profession. We collect our fauna from many different places:

  • When we are born, we collect fauna from the mother’s birth canal. This is why newborn babies born by C-section are given probiotic formulas. It’s to make up for the lack of probiotics from being born.
  • We can take supplements, such as Threelac, which can help us supplement our body’s natural fauna.
  • We get it from the food that we eat. Some foods contain a greater number of probiotics than other foods do. Dairy, for instance, is particularly good.

In conclusion, probiotics are real. Not only that, but they are necessary. If you would like to learn more, then please visit

Health Products Of High Quality

There are a host of different supplements in the Biocare products range.  They manufacture vitamins, probiotics and women’s health products too.

They produce high quality health supplements and the company was set up by expert natural health practitioners. Their product range totals over 250 different preparations.

Let’s just take one product called AD206 which is an adrenal support supplement.  It contains vitamins B3, B5, B6 and vitamin C.  Further ingredients are ginseng, liquorice root and chromium. It is recommended that you take one tablet per day during stressful times.

However, Biocare’s strength lies in its probiotics range. When they are being viewed online it is difficult to choose between them. All are natural products that promote intestinal health.

Probiotics taken on a regular basis will keep good and bad bacteria living together harmoniously and keep bowel movements regular. They keep PH levels regular and promote cellular health in the bowel region.

Some people are lactic acid intolerant and cannot take milk products. If you are serious in getting your health in good shape you can take probiotics in tablet or powder form as there is just a trace of lactic acid present that should not make you ill.

Because probiotics occur naturally in the body, you will even be able to take these when you are pregnant.

If you feel bloated, constipated or generally unwell it is very likely that the anaerobic or bad bacteria are getting the better of the friendly ones.  The anaerobic micro-organisms will cause a yeast overgrowth that can manifest itself in Candida. 

This is an unpleasant infection of the private areas of the body.  It can also affect the mouth.  In this case it is called thrush.  It is essential to get rid of the overgrowth as soon as possible.

When you are considering taking a dietary supplement you should always research ingredients to make sure that there is nothing in a particular product that may not agree with you.  This is easily done online as there is a wealth of information about Biocare products and other brands.

If you are interested in what Biocare products have to offer, please log on to the finchley clinc

Yeast Infections: What You Need to Understand

Many types of yeast live in the human body. They have their highest concentration in the gut and mouth. Some of these yeasts are helpful and some are not. Some are helpful in small numbers, but unhelpful in larger numbers.

 Regardless, if they’ve become a problem, it can be incredibly frustrating. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to reduce the impact of yeast in the body.

 One of the most pesky yeast infections (probably because it’s also the most common one!) is the Candida yeast. Ordinarily, this causes no problems. However, it can easily proliferate and when this happens, it can create problems.


 Some other problems that it can cause include the following:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dry and patchy skin
  • Eczema
  • Food cravings
  • Itching
  • Lethargy
  • Mood swings
  • Oral thrush
  • Sinusitis
  • Vaginal thrush

As you can appreciate, yeast infections can be incredibly frustrating. In general, they’re not dangerous or particularly bad. Instead, they’re distracting and irritating. However, even these seemingly benign symptoms can become highly problematic for certain demographics, such as people with a weakened or under-developed.

If you develop a yeast infection, it is important that you tackle it. If you leave it, then your body’s own immune system may be able to fight it off, but there’s no guarantee. Fortunately, we live in the modern world, and there are plenty of medicines and other products that can help us to company yeast in all its many forms.

If you’re human, and we’re guessing that you probably are, but you know, some of you might be aliens, then you have a 75% chance of developing a yeast infection at some time in your life. We don’t have statistics on aliens, but if you’ve been to earth and you’re organic, it’s probably quite high odds for you too!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re old or young, male or female, rich or poor, you can develop a yeast infection. Some people think that they're caused by a lack of hygiene, but this isn’t the case at all. In fact, too much washing can wash away your body’s friendly bacteria – the army that could have fought off the yeast infection – and you're more likely to develop an infection.

What can you do to get rid of yeast infections? There are many different ways to get rid of yeast infections:

  1. You can buy many different supplements to help you do this. For example, you can buy Threelac. Here, you introduce a greater number of friendly bacteria into your body and this will fight off the infection. If you don’t want to buy Threelac, you can buy Fivelac or Oxy powder.
  2. If you don’t think that supplements can offer you what you need, then you can go to the doctor and request a course of antibiotics. You have to be careful here and make sure that the doctor explains how antibiotics can actually make infections more likely in the future. If you take antibiotics, you should also try taking a probiotic to counter the loss of good bacteria.
  3. You can follow a special diet. With some types of yeast infection, such as Candida, people swear by special diets. While there’s little scientific evidence to support this, there are many people who agree that it works.

If you would like further information about probiotics and their effect on yeast infections, or if you would like to buy Threelac or Fivelac, then please visit The Finchley Clinic